
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Trace Face Philes 1400 Followers Giveaway

One of these days I will figure out how to put the giveaways on the side and make them stay there. Any one wanna help me? Until then I'll just keep putting them here cuz there's no way I couldn't enter this amazing giveaway over at The TraceFace Philes. She's giving away Chanel Peridot! So pretty but I could never afford it. Click here to check it out.


  1. Hopefully I can help. From your dashboard go down to where it says design. Then where it says Add A Gadget click that. Then scroll down to HTML/JavaScript and click the little plus sign. Then enter the title and the content and click save. It will now be in your sidebar =] Hope this helped =]

  2. Thank you! I will try this out.
