
Friday, September 21, 2012

Nails Inc Baker Street & Zoya Maisie


Hello!  Is everyone having a good afternoon?  I know it's almost fall and a lot of folks are starting to transition to fall colors but here in Phoenix it's still really warm.  Supposed to be 105 or so tomorrow.  I'm still wearing a lot of bright, bright colors.  Today is Nails Inc Baker Street (pretty much the best bright blue ever) and Zoya Maisie.  My nails look like little water scenes.  Love might be an understatement for this mani.  Baker Street has the most perfect formula ever.  Two super easy coats and it was flawless.  Maisie is a blue/green flakie in a translucent blue base.  I used one coat of Maisie.

The shade pictures came out so much better.  It was so hard to capture any of the blue/green shift of the flakies.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  Feel free to stop by my facebook page and share your mani pics with me.  



  1. Baker Street is such an amazing blue, and Maisie looks insanely gorgeous over it. Enjoy your super hot weekend... We're actually overcast and slightly misty today in Oregon's capital. As much as I love the heat, the change is kind of nice.

    1. Thank you so much! I always thought it would be nice to live in Oregon. Too bad Mr. MLiP's job is here.

  2. I've been eyeing this for sooo long now,.. I think I will finally break down and buy it, it's so pretty!!

  3. I need Baker Street. It's all your fault that I'm starting to like blue polish.

    1. Love all the blues! Welcome to my world Ashley.
