
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Catrice Petrolpolitan

Hi lovelies!  Today I have a quick post for you showing Catrice Petrolpolitan.  I saw this polish on a blog and knew I needed to have it.  Luckily I have an awesome swap buddy in the Netherlands and she tracked down a few pretties for me.  Catrice is about to get easier to get though as I believe Ninja Polish is going to be carrying it.  I don't know about this specific one but they will have some.

This is two coats and the formula was really good.  Topcoat made this super shiny.  I hope you all have a great day.

Until next time, 


*This polish traveled across the world to come live with me in exchange for me sending some other very pretty polishes to their new home in the Netherlands.*


  1. What a beautiful shade of teal! I love Catrices, too, and have been fortunate to accrue a few before international shipping rates went through the roof. That's awesome that Ninja's going to start carrying them.

  2. Great shade! Love these kinds of colors too :)

  3. I like the shimmers in this teal.
