
Friday, April 4, 2014

Lacquerhead Polish Mi Amor

*Purchased by me*


Hello my friends!  A little bit ago I decided I needed to paint my nails pink.  Those of you that have been here a while know that I'm not a pink/red polish kinda girl.  I even painted my toes red just today.  I better run out and get my head checked.  Anyway I decided to use Laquerhead Mi Amor, a lovely bright pink with scattered silver holo bits.  I used three coats for opacity.  The formula was easy to work with and it wore really well for me.



Enjoy the pink folks!  I'm sure it will be another 2 years before I wear pink again haha.  Have a great night!

Until next time...



  1. What a pretty pink! Liking the subtle holo to it!

  2. This is gorgeous! It looks great on you.

  3. Red pedis are my favorite, more so than a red mani, I think... I THINK... lol. I hear you about certain colors just not doing it for you (for me, it seems to be purple, which is strange because I love the color second only to red... or third to black...). This is super pretty on you, though. I look forward to to your next pink polish post. *marks calendar for 4/5/2016 XD
