
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I Believe That We Will Win

Hello!  Anyone else living in a house that has World Cup fever?  My husband and oldest son love soccer.  We've watched just about every match so far.  I'm sure my boys will run around all day tomorrow singing I Believe That We Will Win at the top of their lungs.  I do admit to watching today's France/Nigeria match while on the treadmill because these guys have awesome legs and mad skills.  So let me give you the polish run down here so we can move on to the bubble issues.  My base is OPI No Room For the Blues, one of my favorite blues.  Then I used Salon Perfect Save Me a Spot, the large circles, and Boom Boom Boom, the smaller hexes.  First I have to say that I love this idea.  The problem was the thickness and quantity of the base.  Especially Save Me a Spot.  Holy cow it was so thick!  I had to pick the circles out of the bottle and place them on the nail which caused to much base to glob on my nails.

I top coated it all and it dried pretty quick so that was a positive.  I was given some advice on how to apply glitters like this using a make up sponge that is supposed to help minimize the bubbles.  Did any of you have any better luck with these polishes?

Until next time...GO USA!!!!



  1. This looks nice :-) Looks good on the OPI.

  2. This is nice! I really like those circle glitters.

  3. Saaaaad face but I love the big and leetle glitters <3
