
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Zoya Focus

*Press Sample*

Hey all!  I have the other half of Zoya's fall offerings for you today.  I showed you the Flair collection here.  This is the Focus collection.  I'm just going to jump right in.  Most of these had a great formula and were perfect in two coats.

Zoya Janel is a red cream.  Two perfect coats plus top coat were used for photos.

Zoya Janel
Zoya Janel

Zoya Janel
Zoya Janel

Zoya Lidia is a gorgeous dark purple.  I used two coats and it looked fine inside.  As you can see it's a bit streaky and could have used a third coat.

Zoya Lidia
Zoya Lidia

Zoya Lidia
Zoya Lidia

Zoya Hannah is a brighter red cream.  This has a fantastic formula, again two coats and top coat.

Zoya Hannah
Zoya Hannah

Zoya Hannah
Zoya Hannah

Zoya Sia is an amazing blue cream.  I'm so in love with this one.  Great formula and no staining for me.  Side note, Sia and Hannah are the perfect blue and red to match my son's baseball team.  I will be using these lots for game day nails.  Only one photo because the sun went away on me.

Zoya Sia
Zoya Sia

Zoya Desiree is a brown cream.  It was almost perfect in one coat.  I used two and top coat for photos.

Zoya Desiree
Zoya Desiree

Zoya Desiree
Zoya Desiree

Zoya Charli looks like a brown cream in the bottle until you set it next to a real brown like Desiree.  Again this is two coats and top coat.

Zoya Charli
Zoya Charli

Zoya Charli
Zoya Charli

Over the years I've come to expect a great formula from Zoya's creams.  This collection doesn't disappoint.  You can order these now at  Be sure to give them a like on facebook as well.

Until next time...


*Polishes were provided for review.  All opinions are 100% mine.*


  1. Some great fall colored creme polishes in this collection.

  2. Some nice colours here. Loving the blue :-D
